
Jordan x
JD Sports Australia:
Take Flight

Fufu & Tibs collaborated with JD and Jordan to curate a community focused event celebrating Black woman artists and businesses. The event featured performances and live interviews with Agum, Mawuli, Mulalo and PK, all homegrown Black women musical acts of African origin. All vendors at the event were Black-run: from food and beverage to experiences like skincare workshops.

In homage to the heritage of the Fufu & Tibs hosts; attendees were given the opportunity to play traditional African games at an installation in the venue. There were also giveaways of several units of Jordan Women apparel throughout the day as a well as a major raffle drawn prize.

Both loyal listeners and streetwear aficionados raved about the event’s atmosphere and the palpable authenticity of the Fufu & Tibs brand. Such positive feedback, paired with the fact that capacity was completely exhausted, demonstrates how our curation gives the brands we collaborate with deep and genuine community engagement.